Bachelor of Journalism & Communication

4 Years

Journalism and communication are two exciting areas of study that encompass a range of disciplines, including: psychology, economics, and political science. Through the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (BJC) therefore, students gain an exceptional understanding of how communication and news gathering processes affect our lives and how they can harness new technologies to enhance communication processes. The BJC programme is a four-year programme which emphasizes applied skills relevant to work in the journalism, communication, and related fields. Students learn the skills to understand journalism and its media and communication contexts and the skills to do journalism.

The BJC programme aims at equipping students with the appropriate balance of multi-disciplinary knowledge, intellectual abilities, and professional skills that will enable them to:

  • Understand the historical and theoretical foundations of journalism and communication
  • Appreciate the role of the media in society, in democratization, and development
  • Gather information ethically and efficiently
  • Analyze and process a wide range of information, optimizing all available technologies
  • Articulately and coherently express themselves on various topics
  • Creatively package and present information in different formats, via different platforms,  and for various audiences
  • Appreciate local and global social, political, economic and technological contexts in which  
  • contemporary journalism and communication are practiced;
  • Acquire knowledge and basic competencies in supporting disciplines.

On completion of this rigorous and exciting programme, the Overall best performing student and the best Photojournalism student receive the Tebere-Mudin Journalism Award and the Cranmer Mugerwa Photojournalism Awards of Excellence respectively. The former is awarded by the Daily Monitor newspaper and the latter by the New Vision.

Students also get a chance to study abroad through exchange programmes hosted by partner Journalism and Communication departments in Europe. 


Course content 

The programme is designed to equip students with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills to launch their careers in journalism, communication, and related fields. The following courses are offered:

YEAR I: Semester One 

Introduction to Journalism (JCO 1101) 

This module introduces students to the field of journalism and develops their undemanding of philosophies, principles, and critiques of journalism. Students are exposed to contemporary debates in media and journalism; including journalism governance, professionalization, proliferation of the industry in Uganda, East Africa, and globally, as well as journalism’s role in democratic processes and public life. Teaching is delivered through interactive lectures, individual student research, group presentations, and debates. At the end of this module, students can adequately appraise the role of journalism in public life, are able to appreciate the challenges of the journalism profession, have demonstrable knowledge of the various journalistic philosophies, and can demonstrate an awareness of aspects of the future of communication, based on their understanding of current trends in the field.

Introduction to Communication (JCO 1102) 

In this intense yet exciting module, students are introduced to aspects of communication, including: development communication research, the communication process and functions, plus communication theories and models. Students are taught to evaluate communication through a range of topics in: public relations, corporate communications, public affairs, advertising, marketing communication, social marketing, and advocacy. Through interactive lectures, students’ research, group presentations, and discussions, students also explore aspects of government communication, health communication, and discuss career opportunities in communication. By the end of this module, students can aptly key concepts in communication, assess the relevance and application of communication theories and models, and discuss the difference between journalism and communication disciplines.

Writing Skills I (JCO 1103) 

Good writing skills undeniably form a core competence for people who choose to do journalism, communication, or to work in the media. Therefore, this introductory module focuses on grammar and syntax, incorporating narrative, descriptive, and explanatory writing techniques. Students are trained to identify news idea and to write effectively for the media. With the guidance insightful teaching by highly qualified lecturers and some industry professionals, students embark on a life-long journey of becoming master craftsmen of media writing. They are engaged in numerous writing exercises and writing workshops to enhance their mastery of basic writing, and they also take on individual writing projects, including writing a journal. At the end of this module, students can competently identify news ideas, are mindful of good grammar, punctuation, and writing style, and can write clearly and creatively.

YEAR I: Semester Two 

Media, Culture, and Society (JCO 1201) 

This module concentrates on the production and consumption of mass media, specifically on the role of media in the democratisation process.The course addresses contemporary media debates and engages students in critical thinking and writing about the media in national, African, and global contexts, paying attention to description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. By employing ‘media literacy’ as an analytical framework, the course introduces students to the processes and factors that define the interaction of the media, culture, and society. This intense and dynamic module enables students to become better media analysts and to appreciate the value of media literacy for society. Through topics such as: popular culture, globalization and the media, and media ownership, students also get a good understand and appreciation for the dynamics that influence and shape the media landscape locally and globally. Teaching is delivered through resourceful and interactive lecturers, debates, case study analyses, and group discussions.

Writing Skills II (JCO 1202)

This module builds on Writing Skills I, which was taught in Semester One. In this more advanced writing class, students learn more sophisticated writing techniques and acceptable writing practices such as anti-plagiarism and ethical writing. Students also enhance their skills in observation, narration, and description. The course introduces students to more specialized forms of writing, equipping them with skills to write clearly, coherently, and informatively for the media and various audiences. Regular writing exercises are conducted and students are required to submit a major writing assignment at the end of the module.

The Media in Historical Context (JCO 1203) 

The course explores the historical contexts of the media and its role in the political history of Uganda. Students learn about: important themes and milestones in the history of Uganda, the historical development of the media, historical relationship between politics and the media, economic liberalisation and the commercialisation of the media. Students explore module topics through interactive lectures, analysis of case studies, individual and group research, as well as presentations. This highly analytical module enables students to relate current local and global media trends to historical developments and milestones, as well as to understand and explain local, regional, and media trends. Coursework and oral presentation contribute 40% to the final grade, while the final examination contributes 60%.

YEAR II: Semester One 

Introduction to Electronic Media (JCO 2101) 

The electronic media industry is a core component of the broader media landscape; therefore, this module introduces students to historical and conceptual landscape of electronic media. By examining the electronic mediascape, students learn about: the technological and political-economic environments of the electronic media globally and nationally, the nature and significance of different forms of broadcasting (public, state, private/commercial, community), the structure and organisation of the broadcasting industry and institutions, basic policy and regulatory issues in broadcasting, and issues that define the electronic media and its future, the history and evolution of radio, TV, and the internet, as well as key events and trends in electronic media. On completion of this module, students are able to identify and use different forms of modern day electronic media, evaluate different models of broadcast ownership and control, and discuss the economic, technological, and regulatory trends in the electronic media sector and their impact on society locally and globally.

Media and Communication Law (JCO 2102) 

This core module introduces students to a range of laws and regulatory frameworks for acceptable national and international media and journalism practice. Its explores the national justice and legal systems including the court structure, the democratic principles of freedom of expression, freedom of the press/media, accountability, transparency, and the public’s right to know; regulatory mechanisms for the media and the various laws and international statutes that limit or enable journalists’ freedom of expression; regulation of journalistic practice and the media industry; and the legal implications of state versus self-regulation. Through this module, students are able to appraise the legal frameworks affecting journalism and media practice; they gain insightful understanding and knowledge of key legal practices and concepts; and they also become aware of basic legal theories, concepts and principles, especially as they pertain to journalism and media disciplines. This module is taught through very engaging methods, including: lectures, seminars, case study analysis, and presentations by guest speakers/lecturers.

News Reporting and Writing I (Principles, Print, & Photojournalism) (JCO 2103)

This course is an introduction to journalism research, writing, and basic editing. Whereas the focus is on print journalism, the principles and practices are applicable to broadcast and online journalism. The course therefore prepares students for the follow-up course in this sequence (News Reporting and Writing II), which focuses on broadcast and online journalism. It explores the meaning of news, news judgment, news values, and the fundamental concepts related to news reporting and writing. Topics include news judgment and developing story ideas, news gathering including interviewing, observation and other research techniques and methods of ensuring accuracy, and writing basic news and feature stories (story structure, narration techniques, and the use of quotations), and editing. Students learn how to organize and conduct a variety of in-person, telephone, and email interviews, and how to research issue-based and policy-focused stories. They learn to work under the pressure of deadlines and are introduced to the ethics of reporting and writing. The module also features instruction in computer applications of importance to journalism research, news reporting, and writing. The New Reporting and Writing module is highly practical and involves regular in-class exercises and field reporting assignments. A lot of brain storming, group work, and library research are involved in this module, and assessment is 100% through progressive analysis.

YEAR II: Semester Two 

Introduction to Public Relations (JCO 2201) 

Corporate, non-corporate, and government organizations are increasingly relying on the expertise of public relations professionals to help them build and sustain good relationships with their staff and clients. This module therefore introduces students to the key concepts and theories in the contemporary public relations (PR) practice. Students learn about PR in its historical context, understand its different functions and role in media and in the society, PR regulation in Uganda and globally, plus major debates in public relations. This popular and exciting module also allows students to explore ethical and legal issues which affect the PR industry, understand concepts in public affairs, lobbying, propaganda, and social accountability. This core module is taught through lectures, seminar presentations, case study analysis, class discussions, and presentations by guest lecturers/ speakers.

Media Ethics and Society (JCO 2202) 

The module introduces students to professional media ethics and the mutual expectations between the media and society. The course explores theoretical and conceptual frameworks for ethics and responsible media practice. Students learn about: the social responsibility of the media, common ethical violations in the Ugandan media, how to make ethical choices in the media and in journalism, institutional frameworks under which the media operates in Uganda and in the world, plus ethical challenges journalists face in their work. Topics featured in this module prepare students for professional conduct in journalism and empower them to make sound judgments in their chosen career. Delivery is through lectures, group discussions, and case study analysis.

News Reporting and Writing II (Broadcast and Online) (JCO 2203) 

Building on News Reporting and Writing I, this module introduces students to the techniques of gathering, analyzing, and writing news and features for radio, television, and online media. Students learn to use audio and video recorders and editing systems in the production of news stories, how to interview for tape, how to write for broadcasting, and the basic elements of on-air performance. The module introduces students to the multi-media world of news production. Students learn hands-on broadcast news writing, reporting and production skills. The course deals with the key principles and issues of broadcast news-gathering including how news organizations research, report and produce their stories in the fast-changing world of international news and global programming. Ethical standards and responsibilities in electronic and online journalism will be discussed and applied. With opportunities for guidance from professional broadcasters and online news specialists, students will produce their own news output for radio, television and online. They will be taught how to record for radio, film for TV, and how to edit stories. Students are guided to research and produce TV and radio documentaries of their choice.

Year III: Semester One

Core Modules (sub tab)

Media and Communication Research Methods (JCO 3101) 

In this module, students are introduced to application of social and humanistic research methods in journalism, media, and communication contexts. Lectures feature topics on: key research paradigms, common research methods in journalism, media, and communication, using theory to guide research; and current debates in journalism, media, and communication research. This module therefore serves as a research orientation module, to enable students prepare for and adequately write a dissertation in their final year. The skills they learn in this module help them to identify critical issues in contemporary media and journalism discourse, conduct basis data gathering and analysis, write coherent and well-researched academic papers, plus design small-scale research projects in media or communication.

Principles of Visual Communication (JCO 3102) 

The module is a conceptual approach to visual communication. It focuses on the use of visual images as a field of communication, which is independent of, but related to, other forms of communication. Through this module, students are introduced to the basic principles, concepts, and theories that inform the practices of visual communication. This course lays the foundation for learning about the practical dimensions of photography, photojournalism, and media production in subsequent modules. By the end of the course, students can aptly appreciate modern visual culture, can carry out practical visual communication projects, and can competently use visual communication tools in: digital photography, photographic illustration, visual presentation, and computer-based planning and design. Students are assessed through two course work assignments and a written final exam.

Communication for Development (JCO 3103) 

The course introduces students to the role of information, communication and the media in development and social change processes. The module analyses development theories and evaluates their contribution to various communication approaches. Students explore:  the concept of participatory communication, global debates about development, dynamics of the digital divide, as well as development policy frameworks at the global, regional and national levels. By studying communication issues that are pertinent to sustainable development, students are able to appraise the role of media and communication development agendas and they become knowledgeable about development policy frameworks to support their effective engagement in the development communication process. Some of the topics taught in this module include: participatory communication concepts, environment risk communication, gendered development, and conflict management.

YEAR III:  Semester Two (sub tab)

Social and Behaviour Change Communication (JCO 3201) 

The course examines the major theories, models, and frameworks for strategic communication and their application in the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of communication-based programmes and interventions. Students learn about the various approaches to social and behavioral change and the use of strategic communication to address development challenges in areas such as: health, population, science, environment, agriculture, livelihood, gender, and conflict. 

Communication Policy, Law and Regulation (JC 3202) 

This module explores the policy and legal frameworks and instruments (national, regional and global) affecting communication and media operations; freedom of expression; privileges of and constraints to effective media operations; and understanding the concept of “the public interest”. By studying aspects of media regulation and legislation, including: laws against defamation, sedition, privacy, contempt and defence of public morality, international media conventions, and current media policy regulations debates, students get a unique and comprehensive understanding and appreciation for media regulation and the institutional and statutory frameworks that support communication and journalism. This knowledge becomes critical for their career development in journalism and communication, and in enabling development of an informed crop of media practitioners. Teaching is delivered though lectures, tutorials group discussions, and guest lectures.

Principles of Advertising (JCO 3203) 

This module is designed to help students get a firm understanding and application of advertising; with keen attention to the advertising-communication mix. Students learn the basic principles in advertising, as well its related off-shoots, including: copy writing for various media outlets and generating advertising concepts. Other topics tackled in this module include: advertising theory, trends, career development in advertising, advertising ethics, and regulation; plus a critical look at the interaction of advertising, branding, marketing, publicity, and promotion. At the end of the module, students are able to analytically explain advertising concept development, relate it to other communication functions such as branding and publicity, in additional to being able to demonstrate advanced advertising analysis. Students are expected to complete and pass two core assignments, an oral presentation, and a written exam in order to successfully pas this module.

YEAR IV: Semester One 

Print Media Editing, Design and Production (JCO 4101) 

The Print Media Editing, Design and Production module aims at enabling students to develop competencies in editing, designing, and producing information and news for publication in print-based media, using appropriate technologies, tools, and techniques. Focusing on print-based media allows for the development of a coherent set of skills in a systematic way. The course is very practical and output-oriented. Students produce a prototype newspaper from start to finish — they generate and compile stories, design the newspaper pages, and finally, print a completed newspaper. The course includes instruction and practice in newspaper reporting, writing, editing, page design, and online page production. Students are introduced to the skills that news editors (or assignment editors) —as well as reporters — use to generate assignments, and the skills copy editors (or sub-editors) use to select and handle stories and pictures. This highly practical, interactive, and popular module is delivered through lectures, demonstrations, portfolio presentations, workshops, group and individual presentations, and laboratory work.

Electronic Media Editing, Production, and Performance (JCO 4102) 

This course is designed to enable students to develop competencies in editing, producing, and presenting information and news in electronic-based media using appropriate technologies, tools, and techniques. Students are also introduced to the elements of on-air performance. Focusing on electronic-based media allows for the development of a coherent set of skills in a systematic way. The course is highly practical and output-oriented. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge and creative approaches in the use of radio, television, online, and other emerging digital media forms. Students also develop story ideas, assign stories, write, edit, compile and deliver newscasts, host talk shows, prepare mini-documentaries, and conduct studio and field interviews.

Specialized Journalism Workshop (JCO 4103)

A completely practical module, the Specialized Journalism Workshop engages students in advanced ways of reporting and writing about specialised topics; including environment and health. Students are guided to identify a field of reporting interest, with the aim of producing a meaningful story, based on reasonably deep understanding of the relevant issues and available content. Students are encouraged to delve into critical topics and understand the complexities of major development and other relevant issues, which they synthesize into simpler media messages for the general public. The module gives students an opportunity to develop advanced reporting, writing, and presentation skills that are applicable to different media platforms. For practical and pedagogical reasons, students may be required to work on a common or predetermined list of topics. The main output of the course is a major reporting assignment presented as a series of reports or as a single media report. Students are encouraged to co-ordinate their area of specialised journalism with their supporting subject

Analytical and Opinion Writing (JCO 4104) 

In this module, students get the opportunity to hone their skills in news analysis, so  that they can interpret issues in the news, and ably critique and write about them through commentary, editorials, and other forms of expressive writing. By learning the features of effective and analytical opinion writing, and mastering the tools and techniques of analysis, students learn to write comprehensive, informed, and compelling opinion pieces. In this way, they develop critical media skills and can competently inform the public, plus analyze and debate critical issues through writing. Students are therefore expected to develop portfolios of their written work, take part in didactic discussion, and complete series of writing exercises.

Public Affairs Reporting (JCO 4105)

Good journalism is more than just stringing together facts and sentences to make a story. It is fundamentally about defining, understanding and examining the key issues that get into the news. Most importantly, it is also about asking the right questions and holding those responsible accountable through accurate, insightful and analytical reporting. This course therefore enables students to appreciate key public issues and to develop journalistic strategies to: investigate, report, and disseminate them appropriately for inclusion on the media agenda. It equips students with techniques and competencies to identify, analyze, interpret, and report constructively and comprehensively about the significant public issues of the day. Emphasis is put on coverage of political, cultural, social, and economic issues that have a measurable impact on public life and policy. The course engages students in deconstructing and making sense of such concepts as ‘public affairs,’ the ‘public,’ ‘public sphere’, ‘public space’, ‘public interest’, ‘public opinion,’ and ‘public communication’. The module is highly practical and students are required to produce major reporting projects on selected public affairs issues in the media form, format, and platform of their preference.

The Practice of Public Relations (JCO 4106) 

In a world where globalization is increasingly affecting the interactions of many corporations, government, media, and other non-state actors, Public Relations becomes very critical in promoting harmonious and productive working relations and co-existence of these myriad agencies. Through this module therefore, students learn cores skills to help them understand the working of public relations. These include: researching, planning, implementing, and managing public relations programmes/campaign. The module also examines and evaluates key organizational theories and frameworks that guide strategic public relations management. Students get an opportunity to engage in current debates about public relations and the media, and PR professionalism. New technologies in public relations, such as the internet, satellite transmissions, and online computer applications, are introduced in this module and students learn to use these in managing public relations in a globalized world. Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminar presentations, case study analysis, class discussions, and guest lectures. To pass this module, students are expected to complete two coursework assignments and a written exam.

Communication Monitoring and Evaluation (JCO 4107) 

This course equips students with knowledge on how to monitor and evaluate communication programmes/projects. Students learn about: the importance of evaluation research; evaluating communication programmes; use of evaluation findings; participatory monitoring and evaluation methods; formative research; principles of effective monitoring and evaluation of communication interventions. Some of the topics covered in this module include: Planning the evaluation, Research designs, Participatory monitoring and evaluation for communication campaigns, and & the ethical context of research. Assessment of this module is based on two coursework assignments and a written exam.

Organizational and Corporate Communication (JCO 4108) 

The course is an introduction to the field of organizational and corporate communications. Students learn about: basic terms, concepts and theoretical perspectives used to examine communication in organizational contexts, the management of corporate bodies, Brand management, corporate and organizational identity, corporate reputation, use of  media and communication technologies in corporate communication; communication behavior and networks within organizations; communication systems; communication climate; communication barriers in organizational settings. Teaching is delivered through lectures, group work, class discussions, case study analysis, and guest lecturers. Assessment is based on completion of coursework assignments, delivery of an oral presentation and writing and exam.

Integrated Marketing Communication (JCO 4109) 

This course examines the concepts and strategies that are relevant to implement integrated marketing communication campaigns. It demonstrates how public relations, marketing, and advertising contribute to marketing efforts and comprehensive communication decisions. Students learn about: marketing principles and practices, the role of marketing communications and integrated communications campaigns, market research, brand strategy, planning, marketing mix analysis, customer value innovations, persuasion, and customer relations. This module helps to develop rounded communication practitioners, with competencies in managing marketing related communication and carrying out research for the same. Such skills help our students to assume roles in corporate companies and marketing communication specialists, and brand managers.  Module delivery is through: lectures, group work, guest lectures, case study analysis, and presentations.

The Art of Public Speaking (JCO 4110) 

The Art of Public Speaking develops a wide variety of communication skills: from the ability to analyze an audience to the technique of voice projection. Our students learn to prepare and deliver winning informative, persuasive, and entertaining speeches. The public speaker is exposed to the uses of audience analysis, relevant content, persuasive appeals, attention getting methods, and clear thinking. Emphasis is placed on successful and complete delivery of speech and students are groomed to become confident public speakers. The Art of Public Speaking is a skill-centered course and will focus on preparing and delivering different types of speeches. The ability to speak with both clarity and power enhances students’ talents as writers. The three areas of focus are: knowledge, synthesis, and performance. This course is ideal for students who aspire to become world leaders and distinguished orators. To further boost students’ public speaking competencies, a Public Speaking Contest is held each year and the winners receive an assortment of prizes.

YEAR IV: Semester Two 

Multi-Media Production (JCO 4201) 

This course engages students practically in the use of multi-media technologies, using popular and professional software and hardware/digital tools and techniques. While students are enabled to appreciate and use media in an integrated manner and to design across media platforms, they are encouraged to strengthen their skills in publication- or electronic-based media. Students are required to complete and submit hands-on projects in image, audio, and video editing and production. Students experiment with audio-visual technologies to create interactive content for web pages or online media that they have created. They learn how to apply multi-media technologies to enhance and transform journalism and communication. Students learn how to write, design, produce, and package for online and digital media in creative ways. The primary outputs of this course are a series of multi-media projects contributing to a final portfolio. Students are also given an opportunity to exhibit their portfolios for public viewing and comment and for professional critique by their peers and professionals in the industry. On completion of this module, students are capable of editing audio, video, and photo files, designing a basic website, and writing for online media.

Photojournalism Workshop (JCO 4202) 

This advanced photojournalism course takes a hands-on-approach to news photography. Students spend most of their study time in the photojournalism lab, where they work on various projects and apply their news and information gathering techniques through visual and audio tools. The primary outputs of this course are a series of photographic projects, leading up to the presentation of a final portfolio.  Students are offered the opportunity to exhibit their portfolios for public viewing. Comments and professional critique by their peers and professionals are also encouraged. On completion of this module, students can confidently apply the principles of photography to journalistic and use creative approaches to photojournalism.

Principles of Media Management (JCO 4203) 

This course explores the essentials of media management by looking at its economic, social, cultural, and policy contexts. It examines the structure of media organizations and applies key management concepts and theories to their operations. The course looks at the practical issues involved in managing a media organization: leadership, human resources, media economics, financial planning, markets and audiences, advertising, media content, circulation and distribution, and media technology. The course addresses the special characteristics of media companies. This is critical to appreciating the management function in media organizations in terms of: ownership; personnel management; media audience research and analysis; editorial management; media law and ethics; and present-day media management challenges such as government policy, convergence, digitalization, consolidation, and internationalization vis-à-vis localization. Module delivery is through: lectures, group discussions, class presentations, media visits, tutorials, and guest lectures.

Public Relations Writing and Production (JCO 4204) 

This is an intensive writing module focusing on researching and writing materials in support of the public relations function. It explores the different formats and styles used by public relations professionals and leads students through the various stages of writing, editing, and designing materials used in public relations practice. The course provides practice in preparing and producing materials for print, broadcast, and the internet; including: news releases, position papers, interview protocols, special events, background materials, media kits, employee newsletters, community relations materials, formal public speaking scripts, and management reports. Through this module, students learn to write with versatility, develop strategically relevant and professionally-executed messages, and can adapt different media messages for a variety of publics. Students who take this module go on to become public relations officers and media mangers in both state and non-state organizations.

Public Relations Cases, Strategies and Tactics (JCO 4205) 

This is a strategic-thinking and critical-analysis course conducted through oral and written analysis of current and classic case studies in public relations. The course is designed to expose students to the use of public relations strategies and tactics in a variety of functions such as risk communication, reputation management, special events, corporate social responsibility, crisis management, public affairs, government relations, media relations, community relations, environmental issues, and international contexts, among others. This module prepares students to launch their careers as public relations practitioners by giving them industry experience through case study analysis and by enabling their understanding of strategic, problem- solving processes.


Applied Strategic Communication (JCO 4206)

Elective module

In this course, students apply the theories, models, concepts and principles of strategic, social, and behavioral communication. Students experience the process of strategic communication through message design, materials development, campaign planning, communication strategy design, social marketing, audience research and audience-based programming, among others. Students enhance their knowledge in designing communication strategies. This is an elective module; therefore students can pick it from among many other non-compulsory modules.  Module assessment is based on completion of three coursework assignments a seminar presentation of a completed project.


Research Project (JCO 4207) 

To be eligible for the Research Project, a student must have passed the module on Media and Communication Research Methods at the first attempt. The Research Project is scholarly research work that gives students the opportunity to demonstrate basic research competencies. It emphasizes the ability to use theory to guide research. Students come up with basic researchable topics and turn them into standard scholarly research proposals. With the guidance of a designated supervisor, students choose some aspect(s) of the research process and demonstrate their basic mastery of that aspect by writing a 35-page academic paper.   

Professional Project (JCO 4208) 

The Professional Project is a substantial journalism story or series in any medium. It is intended to demonstrate the students’ ability to conduct in-depth research, gather and organize large amounts of material, and present that material professionally. Where possible, students should choose a subject related to the subject(s) they are majoring in the Arts or Social Sciences. Students may also be required to produce a reflection on the substantive issues they have addressed in their story. This reflective piece would require students to list the sources of their story but more importantly to write about the subject matter from an academic perspective and to address ethical, legal or other issues their story raises. Students work with designated supervisors who guide them through the process of developing their projects.


Gender in Media and Communication (JCO 4209) 

Elective Module

The module is designed to enable students to appreciate various gender issues that affect media and communication. Students are introduced to the basic gender concepts, the dual sphere, and the socialization process through which gender roles are acquired. Students explore how gender interventions have influenced media operations over time. A critical analysis is made of the media’s coverage of gender-related issues and factors that contribute to such coverage are examined. Students are exposed to ways of ensuring gender-sensitive reporting and communication.  Teaching methods include: interactive lectures, group work, practical sessions, seminar presentations, and case study analysis.


Online/Digital Journalism (JCO 4210) 

Elective Module

The purpose of this module is to give journalism students a broad perspective and practical skills in the emerging forms of journalism, based on the Internet and other digital platforms. Through lectures (or seminars), class discussions and reading materials, students will examine how the digital revolution has affected journalism. They also learn the basics of web publishing, from planning and designing a news site to producing and publishing text, photos, audio and video, through computer lab sessions and practical exercises. The class studies how relationships with audiences can be transformed into more interactive engagement with the Internet and other networked media; consider ethical problems that can arise with new technologies, and how the structure of news organisations can be transformed by technology; learn how to use digital cameras, and experiment with audio and video on multimedia, interactive projects; consider the impact of mobile technologies; and learn to adapt to emerging technologies, keeping in mind the basic values  of journalism and its role in a democratic society.

YEAR IV:  Recess Term

Field Attachment (JCO 4211) 

Journalism specialists work as apprentice reporters, editors, photographers, designers or graphic artists in a news media outlet within the structure of the newsroom under the supervision of a senior editor (and gaining from the experience of staff members). Communication specialists work as apprentices in a wide range of communication functions in public relations, advertising, marketing communication, corporation communication, public affairs, public information, etc. Students may be placed in organisations or in projects.   






© Reserved 2025
JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University