
Project Title Development Partner Funding Contact Person Time Frame
Media Coverage and the Promotion of Action on Social Determinants of Health in Uganda. Sida-Makerere University Research Programme. Sida-Makerere University Research Programme. Dr. Aisha Nakiwala 2016+
Media Climate Network of Researchers Project on Monitoring Coverage of Global Climate Summits Coordinated by Prof. Risto Kunelius of Tampere University and Prof. Elizabeth Eide of Akershus University College, Norway; plus 28 other media researchers from different countries and universities/research institutions. Not Known Prof. Goretti Nassanga 2013 – 2016
Media and Information Literacy in East Africa Regional Collaborative research project with Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda universities and Deutsche Welle Academy under the East Africa Communication Association Not Known Prof. Nassanga, Goretti, Dr. Patricia Litho, Dr. Aisha Nakiwala, Davies Rwabu 2015-2016
Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED). NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) Not Known Dr William Tayeebwa 2014-2019
Strengthening Media in Post-Conflict Societies Through Education and Research – Bridging Gaps, Building Futures in Uganda, South Sudan, Nepal and Norway. Collaboration between Departments of Journalism and Communication of University of Juba, South Sudan; Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway; College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kathmandu, Nepal; and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. Not Known Prof Nassanga G. L. 2014-2018
Media Climate Network Project on Monitoring Coverage of Global Climate Summits Not known Not Known Prof Nassanga G. L (Researcher Uganda ) in collaboration with Prof. Risto Kunelius of Tampere University; Prof. Elizabeth Eide of Akershus University College, Norway; plus 28 other media researchers from different countries and universities/research institutions 2013 – 2016
The Voice of China in Africa. Development Models and Communication Strategies. (Researcher (Media), Not known Not Known Prof Nassanga G. L,Prof. Helge Ronning, Oslo University, Norway; Elling N. Tjønneland, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway; Dr. Jiang Fei, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China; Dr. Sérgio Chichava, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos, Maputo, Mozambique; Dr. Sabiti Makara, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. 2013-2015
Training of Trainers in New Media Journalism, Curriculum Review and Faculty Exchange UNESCO IPDC Centres of Excellence and Reference Capacity Building Project, Nairobi Regional office Not Known Coordinator Makerere University: Aaron Mushengyezi, Ph.D. Ag. Head, Journalism & Communication Department 2012-2013
Media and Communication Development in Support of Democracy and Sustainable Livelihoods Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building Program Phase 3 Not Known Coordinator Makerere University: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department | Coordinator Orebro University: Dr. Leonor Camauer, Assoc. Professor, Media & Communication Studies 2010-2014
Promoting Community Participation in Managing their Local Environment Using Behavioural Change Communication (BCC). Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building ProgramCollaborations Not Known Principal Researcher: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University, Uganda | Co-Researcher: Professor Stig_Arne Nohrstedt, Communication & Media Studies, Orebro University, Sweden 2006-2009



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School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University