Project Title | Development Partner | Funding | Contact Person | Time Frame |
Media Coverage and the Promotion of Action on Social Determinants of Health in Uganda. | Sida-Makerere University Research Programme. | Sida-Makerere University Research Programme. | Dr. Aisha Nakiwala | 2016+ |
Media Climate Network of Researchers Project on Monitoring Coverage of Global Climate Summits | Coordinated by Prof. Risto Kunelius of Tampere University and Prof. Elizabeth Eide of Akershus University College, Norway; plus 28 other media researchers from different countries and universities/research institutions. | Not Known | Prof. Goretti Nassanga | 2013 – 2016 |
Media and Information Literacy in East Africa | Regional Collaborative research project with Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda universities and Deutsche Welle Academy under the East Africa Communication Association | Not Known | Prof. Nassanga, Goretti, Dr. Patricia Litho, Dr. Aisha Nakiwala, Davies Rwabu | 2015-2016 |
Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED). | NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) | Not Known | Dr William Tayeebwa | 2014-2019 |
Strengthening Media in Post-Conflict Societies Through Education and Research – Bridging Gaps, Building Futures in Uganda, South Sudan, Nepal and Norway. | Collaboration between Departments of Journalism and Communication of University of Juba, South Sudan; Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway; College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kathmandu, Nepal; and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. | Not Known | Prof Nassanga G. L. | 2014-2018 |
Media Climate Network Project on Monitoring Coverage of Global Climate Summits | Not known | Not Known | Prof Nassanga G. L (Researcher Uganda ) in collaboration with Prof. Risto Kunelius of Tampere University; Prof. Elizabeth Eide of Akershus University College, Norway; plus 28 other media researchers from different countries and universities/research institutions | 2013 – 2016 |
The Voice of China in Africa. Development Models and Communication Strategies. (Researcher (Media), | Not known | Not Known | Prof Nassanga G. L,Prof. Helge Ronning, Oslo University, Norway; Elling N. Tjønneland, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway; Dr. Jiang Fei, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, China; Dr. Sérgio Chichava, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos, Maputo, Mozambique; Dr. Sabiti Makara, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. | 2013-2015 |
Training of Trainers in New Media Journalism, Curriculum Review and Faculty Exchange | UNESCO IPDC Centres of Excellence and Reference Capacity Building Project, Nairobi Regional office | Not Known | Coordinator Makerere University: Aaron Mushengyezi, Ph.D. Ag. Head, Journalism & Communication Department | 2012-2013 |
Media and Communication Development in Support of Democracy and Sustainable Livelihoods | Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building Program Phase 3 | Not Known | Coordinator Makerere University: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department | Coordinator Orebro University: Dr. Leonor Camauer, Assoc. Professor, Media & Communication Studies | 2010-2014 |
Promoting Community Participation in Managing their Local Environment Using Behavioural Change Communication (BCC). | Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building ProgramCollaborations | Not Known | Principal Researcher: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University, Uganda | Co-Researcher: Professor Stig_Arne Nohrstedt, Communication & Media Studies, Orebro University, Sweden | 2006-2009 |
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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University