
Project Title Development Partner Funding Contact Person Time Frame
The influence of Business priorities on Radio content in Uganda: A case study of Radio Two (Akaboozi FM) Not Known Not Known Researcher: Fred Kakooza – Assistant Lecturer, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University. 2010-2011
Baseline survey on the Utilization of Retired Professors and senior academic staff in the East Africa region: Case Study of Makerere University, Kampala Ford Foundation/Kenyatta University Not Known Principal Researcher: Dr. Goretti Nassanga, Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University 2010-2011
An investigation into the impact of ICTs on the station sustainability, content production and listenership to rural and community radio in Mozambique, Uganda and Mali. IDRC & Carleton University Not Known Principal Investigator: Dr. Linje Manyozo, Lecturer/Masters Program Director, Media & Communication Department, London School of Economics | Co-Investigator: Dr. Goretti Nassanga, Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University 2010-2011
Application of Participatory Communication as a Model for Improving Health Communication: A Case Study of the Stop Malaria Project Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building Program Not Known Researcher: Aisha Nakiwala Ssembatya - Assistant Lecturer & Ph.D Student 2012-2014
Assessing the Media Landscape in Uganda Using the Media Development Indicators UNESCO IPDC Capacity Building Project, Nairobi Regional office Not Known Principal Researcher: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University, Uganda | Co-Researcher: Marjorie Kyomuhendo Niyitegeka, Assistant Lecturer & Programs Coordinator, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University, Uganda 2012-2013
Exploring Communication Strategies for Enhancing Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Victoria Basin in Uganda Sida-SAREC Makerere University Capacity Building Program Not Known Principal Researcher: Dr. Nassanga Goretti L., Assoc. Professor, Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University, Uganda | Co-Researcher: Dr. Peter Berglez, Assoc. Professor, Communication & Media Studies, Orebro University, Sweden 2010-2014



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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University