
Dr. Nassanga Goretti Linda
2007: Capacity Building  for Civil Society/Organizations and Journalists  Reporting  on Water (Consultant, Commissioned by Global Water Partnership EnA & Nile Basic Initiative)
2007: Capacity Building for Environmental Journalism (Consultant, Commissioned by Africa Network for Environmental Journalists)   
2005:   Developing IEC Strategy for Kampala  Urban  Sanitation Project (KUSP)  (Consultant, Commissioned  by Kampala  City Council/Vantage Communications)
2005:   Review and updating of the National Population Policy  (Consultant,   Communication and Advocacy  Group Commissioned by POPSEC /UNFA)
2004:   Developing Concept paper for Communication and Marketing Strategy for the Formation of the EAC Federation   for the Committee on Fast Tracking  East African Federation  (Consultant,  Commissioned by the EAC secretariat).
2004:   Developing   of a Media and Communication Strategy  for the Elimination  of Invasive  Alien  Species in Uganda (Consultant, Commissioned by  NARO/GEF)        
2003:   Review  and updating the National Population Advocacy Strategy for Population and Development (Consultant, Commissioned by POPSEC/Policy Project).  
2003:   Media  Coverage of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health: (Researcher/Consultant Commissioned by AYA/UNDP).
2003:   Draft National ICT  Policy Framework (Consultant - Media)  Commissioned by  UNDP/Department of Information
2001:   Baseline Survey  to Assess Gender  Access to information and the Media in Rural Communities  of  Uganda. (Research/ Consultant, Commissioned by Uganda Media Women’s  Association, Kampala.
1999:   Gender Mainstreaming and the Advancement  of Women  Project  -  Communication component . (Consultant Commissioned by African Women’s  Development and    Communication Network -  FEMNET)
1998:   War in Uganda : Voices of Women: (Research Commissioned by the Uganda Media Women’s Association).
1995:   The  National  Population IEC Strategy  (Formal Sector) (Consultant,  Commissioned  by the National Curriculum and Development Centre/UNFPA)       
1993:   Portrayal  of Women  in the  Mass Media. A Survey  of the Coverage of Women (Research Commissioned by Uganda Media Women’s Association).


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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University