Cultural values and modern media as drivers of science communication

TitleCultural values and modern media as drivers of science communication
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsLukanda, INathanael
Book TitleCommunicating Science: A Global Perspective
Publisher ANU Press
CityCanberra, Australia

The chapter focuses on the evolution of science communication in Uganda.
The chapter starts with the influence of cultural values on the science communication field but ends by emphasising the impact of modern media on the field. It states the role of the central government and (international) non-government organisations (NGOs) in sharing scientific information. It describes the genesis of science communication training and research at universities, and how associations have formed over the years. Some of the
key science communicators are identified, and opportunities for employment of science communicators highlighted. The chapter ends with a discussion of some of the challenges in communicating science, the controversies generated by the various channels, and the manoeuvres to counter the barriers to sharing scientific knowledge. The terms adult literacy, sensitisation and engagement tend to be associated with this field in Uganda.



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