Justified Mission? Press Coverage of Uganda’s Military Intervention in the South Sudan Conflict

TitleJustified Mission? Press Coverage of Uganda’s Military Intervention in the South Sudan Conflict
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2016
Authorseds.), KSkare Orge
Book TitleJournalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectives
City Göteborg, Sweden

This chapter aspires to analyse the portrayal of the UPDF’s involvement in the conflict in South Sudan in the coverage of Uganda’s two leading newspapers, New Vision and Daily Monitor, in the period immediately following the onset of fighting – from 21 December 2013 to 21 January 2014. Using content analysis, the coverage was examined from three theoretical viewpoints: media indexing, framing and the ‘fourth estate’ ideal of the press. The aim was to understand how Ugandan-based newspaper journalists reported and framed the involvement and actions of their government in a conflict abroad. 


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