Climate change and development journalism in the Global South. Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC. Chapter 10.

TitleClimate change and development journalism in the Global South. Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC. Chapter 10.
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNassanga, GL, Eide, E, Hahn, O, Rhaman, M, Sarwono, B
Book TitleMedia and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC
ChapterClimate change and development journalism in the Global South.
PaginationPp. 213-234

Nassanga, G., Eide, E., Hahn, O., Rhaman, M. & Sarwono, B. (2016). Climate change and development journalism in the Global South. In Risto, K. Eide, E. & Dmitry, Y. (eds). Media and global climate politics governance: How media covered the IPCC AR5 report. Chapter 9. 17042015 (Forth coming)


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