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“Empowering rural farmers in Africa to improve their livelihood through effective environment risk communication: Case study Uganda.”, in Bamutaze, Y; Kyamanywa, S.; Singh, B. R.; Nabanoga, G. & Lal, R (eds). Agricultural and Ecosystems Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa: Livelihood pathways under changing climate. , New York: Springer, 2019, pp. P.595-612 .
, “Climate change and development journalism in the Global South. Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC. Chapter 10. ”, in Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC, 2017, pp. Pp. 213-234.
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“Mobile Phone Influence on Journalism Practice in Africa. ”, in Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior , vol. (Volumes 1, 2, & 3), 3 vol., Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2015.
, , “Mobile Phone Influence on Journalism Practice in Africa.”, in Mobile Phone Influence on Journalism Practice in Africa., vol. Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior , 3 vol., 2014.
, “ICTs and radio in Africa: How the uptake of ICT has influenced the newsroom culture among community radio journalists. ”, in ICTs and radio in Africa: How the uptake of ICT has influenced the newsroom culture among community radio journalists. , vol. Telematics and Informatics 30(3) 258–266, 2013.
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“‘Button-less on the information superhighway: Issues of ideological horizons in environmental communication amongst communities at fish landing sites along Lake Victoria in Uganda’”, vol. Communicatio, 36:3, 327-342., 2010.
, “Media and national identity: Should national media be relegated to the backseat?”, in Ethnic Diversity in Eastern Africa: Opportunities and Challenges. , 2010.
, “An Assessment of the Changing Community Media Parameters in East Africa”, vol. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies 30(1): 42-57; , 2009.
, , , “‘Journalism ethics and the emerging new media culture of radio talk shows and public debates (Ekimeeza) in Uganda.’ ”, in London: Sage., vol. In Journalism Vol. 9 (5) 646-663 , 2008.
, , “Peace Journalism Applied: An Assessment of Media Coverage of the Conflict in Northern Uganda”, in Conflict and Communication (online). , vol. Vol. 6 (2) 2007., 2007.
, “‘Media Liberalisation: More Choice to the Consumer? The Case for the Creation of a Uganda Media Trust.’ ”, in Africa in World Affairs: Challenges to Humanities , 2004.
, “‘Is there a Place for Community Media in East Africa in the Context of Globalisation?’”, in The East African Media and Globalisation: Defining the Public Interest, 2003.
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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University