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Prof. NASSANGA Goretti Linda is a Professor at the Journalism & Communication Department, Makerere University and was the first Head of the Department. She has had a long experience in the media, starting off as a journalist in 1980, moved into training in 1992 and is currently a lecturer and researcher. Her areas of expertise & research include: development communication; women & media; community media; environment/climate communication; media ethics, policy & regulation; global communication; population & health communication; new media and ICT; and peace journalism. She has carried out research in several areas relating to the media and has been a consultant to national, regional and international projects. She has published in international and local journals and has edited a book on media and globalization in the East Africa region.
In December 2017, Prof. Nassanga received the highly prestigious Media Life Time Achievement Award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the media industry in Uganda and East Africa, as well as being the founder Head and first doctoral graduate of the Journalism & Communication Department at Makerere University and first professor in Journalism & Communication in Uganda. https://www.google.com/searchq=Professor+Nassanga+Goretti,+received+%E2%80%98Media+Life+Achievement+Award+2017%E2%80%99
On 8 March 2020, Prof. Nassanga was nominated one of the top ten ‘trail-blazing’ women in Uganda at celebrations to mark 25 years of gender activism on International Women’s Day. Recognized for academic contribution as first to graduate with a Ph.D and first to reach rank of Professor in Journalism & Communication in Uganda/Makerere University. See New Vision newspaper, 8 March 2020
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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University