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Marjorie N. Kyomuhendo holds a Master of Philosophy in Media Studies (Media, Democracy and Development) from the University of Oslo, Norway and a Bachelors of Mass Communication from Makerere University, Uganda. She has certified training in Communication for Development from Mount Carmel International Training Center, Israel; Behavior Change Communication from Stellenbosch University and John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and AfriComNet /C-Change -Ohio University.
Marjorie is currently a PhD CARTA Fellow undertaking a collaborative doctoral training program in public and population health (specializing in Health Communication) at Makerere University in conjunction with CARTA member institutions http://www.cartafrica.org/ Her doctoral research involves investigating the effectiveness of communication interventions in increasing positive male engagement in maternal reproductive health so as to increase the uptake of family planning in Uganda
Prior to joining academia, Marjorie worked as a freelance reporter with the New Vision newspaper and later as a Research Assistant with the Department of Journalism and Communication, Makerere University. She has experience providing technical and professional advice in strategic communication to different government, private and development organizations including USAID/Regional Center for Quality of Health Care, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Government of Uganda, CDC/PEPFAR, USAID/ AIDS Integrated Model District Programme; RUFORUM, World Vision Uganda, International Aids Vaccine Initiative; International, AfriComNet and Sida.
She is a member of the African Network for Strategic Communication in Health and Development (AfriComNet) and Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU).
Her research interests include strategic communication for behavior /social change in health, communication for development, public relations and organizational communications.
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JOCOM | Department of Journalism and Communication
School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University