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W. Tayeebwa, Airwaves for peace: the conciliatory voices of children on Ugandan radio., in Media for Young People in Uganda: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2017.
G. L. Nassanga, Eide, E., Hahn, O., Rhaman, M., and Sarwono, B., Climate change and development journalism in the Global South. Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC. Chapter 10. , in Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC, 2017, pp. Pp. 213-234.
B. Semujju, Digital Media in Uganda: Where Regulation and Freedom of Expression Contradictions are Sharpest., in Media Law, Ethics, and Policy in the Digital Age. , Hershey, PA. : IGI-Global Publishing, 2017.
W. Tayeebwa, From conventional towards new frames of peace journalism: the Case of Uganda and Burundi.eace, Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region. Dakar, Senegal, in Peace, Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region. Dakar, Senegal, L. K. Tukumbi and Gahama, J., Eds. Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), 2017.
G. L. Nassanga and Rwabu, D., Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Education as a Tool for Inclusive Youth Participation: A Review of Literature on the Status of MIL in Uganda. African Journal of Communication Vol.2 No.1 466-488 , 2017.
B. Semujju, Newsmaking Practices in Uganda: A Comparative Framing Analysis of two Leading Newspapers., in Newsmaking Cultures in Africa: Normative Trends in the Dynamics of Socio-Political & Economic Struggles. , H. M. Mabweazara, Ed. 2017.
B. Semujju, Advancing a New Model for Community Media, 2016.
G. L. Nassanga, Africa’s rise from the peripheries of the network society: China’s imprint in digitalizing Uganda.China and Telecommunications in Africa. , 2016.
S. A. Nakiwala and Mushengyezi, A., Challenges to empowering children as health communicators: Experiences based on a malaria control school programme in Uganda.Media for Children and Young People , 2016.
G. Nassanga, Eide, E., Hahn, O., Rhaman, M., and Sarwono, B., Climate change and development journalism in the Global South. Media and global climate knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC, 2016.
W. Tayeebwa and Orgeret, K. S., Framing peace building: Discourses of United Nations Radio in Burundi.Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectives, 2016.
S. A. Nakiwala, From recipients to partners: Children in malaria education in Uganda. Health Education , 2016.
B. Semujju, ICT as an engine for community participation: An assessment of Uganda’s community media., in Human Development and Interaction in the Age of Ubiquitous Technology, H. Rahman, Ed. IGI-Global Publishing, 2016.
W. Tayeebwa, Impact of Social Media on Traditional Journalism: Challenges and Opportunities for Media Houses in Uganda., in Assessing the Impact of Social Media on Political Communication and Civic Engagement in Uganda., Kampala: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2016.
W. Tayeebwa, In Quest of Afro-centric Media Values: Inspirations from the Ubuntu Philosophy., in L’Afrique Comme Horizon de Pensée. Rabat, Morocco: Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, vol. 2, M. Rabat, Ed. 2016, pp. 555-569.
S. K. Orgeret and Tayeebwa, W., Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectives. . Gothenburg: Nordicom., 2016.
C. Ntulume, Justified mission? Press coverage of Uganda’s military intervention in the South Sudan conflict, in Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions: Worldwide Perspectives , W. Tayeebwa and O., K. S., Eds. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2016.
S. A. Nakiwala, Media and Information Literacy among Young People in Uganda: Perceptions of Selected Key Informants. . 2016.
G. L. Nassanga and Sabiti, M., Perceptions of Chinese presence in Africa as reflected in the African media: Case study of Uganda. Chinese Journal of Communication. 9(1) 21-37, 2016.
G. L. Nassanga and Sabiti, M., Perceptions of Chinese presence in Africa as reflected in the African media: Case study of Uganda. . 2016.
G. L. Nassanga, Uganda: Walking the Talk on Climate Change. , 2016.
G. L. Nassanga, Uganda: Walking the Talk on climate change (ClimateMedia network of Researchers – Comparative analysis on media coverage of COP21 – Nov/Dec 2015) , 2016.
S. A. Nakiwala and Semujju, B., Woman’s Business: Feminist Power and its Implications on Uganda’s Malaria Communication Campaign. Feminist Media Studies., 2016.



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School of Languages Literature and Communication | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Makerere University